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Postdoctoral researcher, microbiologist and bioinformatician mining datasets available on the world wide web.


ISME 2016 – Conference Summary

Few weeks back, I attended the International Society for Microbial Ecology conference in Montreal. Over four days I listened to a series of great talks and I wanted to share a summary of the highlights of this conference and also try to not forget everything as it was quite an…
September 26, 2016

ISME 2016 – Sketch compilation

I went in June to the ISME 2016, it was a blast. While I was there I did a series of portrait of the different speakers I have listen to. I have compiled them in the list below
August 27, 2016

Talk at the ISME-2016

I am excited to announce that I will be presenting some of the work I did during my PhD at the ISME conference this year in Montreal. On the 26th of August in the "Oceans of discovery, seas of change" session I will be talking about an alternative pathway for…
July 14, 2016

Thesis submitted!

So finally, after 4 years there it is the official Manuscript of my PhD thesis: "Deep Se(a)quencing: A study of deep sea ectosymbioses using next generation sequencing" In there I described my work on characterizing a new epibiont of Bathymodiolus mussels using a wide array of meta- genomics and transcriptomics…
May 2, 2016

Link dump – Fancy distinct colors

Writing the blog and the thesis at the same time appeared to be harder than expected. I will be back here soon enough ! In the mean time, I was looking to beautify R generated graphs and most of the time I got stuck in having to choose nice but…
March 9, 2016