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Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – House of Mussel

After a short break, we stay in the deep sea with another fascinating symbiotic system. For this Microbial Advent Calendar weekend, we have a look at the bathymodiolin mussels! I personally worked with those mussels during my Ph.D. and they keep on fascinating me as an organism capable of establishing so many…
December 17, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – Another exception to a rule

For the 1oth (!!!) Microbial Advent Calendar we are not moving away very far away from our "Wolbachia Special" and we look at a very recent study describing an extracellular Rickettsia. Why is this fascinating and worth mentioning? Well because to date all the known Rickettsiales (the whole order of…
December 11, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar 2k18 – Non Mainstream dividing

The second day of the Microbial Advent Calendar and today we have a sneak peak into the incredible world of nematodes associated with bacteria. There is an incredible diversity of host-associated systems in the nematode realm, today we a have a look at Laxus oneistus. This worm looks like, when you…
December 2, 2018

Microbial Advent Calendar – 11 Yeti Crabs

For the 11th day of the Microbial Advent Calendar what about a fantastic winter themed monster? Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the mythical, the mysterious, the only one, the YETI crabs... *Cough, Cough* Unlike its (still) elusive homonym, the yeti crab is the informal name of a deep…
December 11, 2017